If you want your call center personnel to have a one-on-one conversation with a customer, and don’t want there to be background noise, call us. We have acoustical treatments for the walls and ceilings, fabric panels and baffles, acoustical partitions for desktops to reduce noise.

Reducing the noise inside the call center is easily done by treating 15% to 25% the available wall surface with Aksa acoustic fabric panels. These high-performance panels are made from high-density glass wool and are highly effective at absorbing sound in the voice range.

It goes without saying that factories and manufacturing plants can be noisy places when machinery is in operation and production lines are in full flow. Employers have a duty of care to ensure that employees aren’t exposed to excessive levels of noise.

If you own a facility that uses commercial air conditioning, you probably already understand the need for commercial soundproofing. Commercial air conditioners make a tremendous amount of noise.

Scientific studies on the effect that noise has on the ability of pupils to learn have time and time again shown that pupils taught in rooms with quiet rooms with good acoustics learn and behave better than noisy rooms with poor acoustics.